Can Contact Lenses Damage your Eyes?

Can Contact Lenses Damage your Eyes?

No, contact lenses cannot damage your eyes if worn and cared for properly. However, if contact lenses are not fitted correctly or if worn for extended periods of time without proper care, they can cause corneal abrasions, infections, and other serious problems. Contact lens damage to the eyes is only done when not worn and cared for properly. The cons of contact lenses that should be kept in mind when trying to avoid contact lens damage to the eyes with the need to follow proper cleaning, storage, and wear instructions in order to avoid contact lens damage to the eyes.

The best way to ensure the health of your eyes when wearing contacts is to follow your eye doctor's instructions for care and use and to visit your eye doctor regularly.

Some ways to avoid contact lens damage to the eyes include:

  • Always wash your hands with soap and warm water before handling contact lenses.
  • Follow the directions for cleaning and storing your contact lenses as prescribed by your eye doctor.
  • Do not wear contact lenses for longer than recommended.
  • Do not sleep in contact lenses unless approved by your eye doctor.
  • Do not wear contact lenses if your eyes are irritated, red, or painful.
  • Do not share contact lenses with anyone else.
  • Replace contact lenses when they become discolored, torn, or uncomfortable.
  • Visit your eye doctor regularly for check-ups.

Following these tips can help you avoid contact lens damage to the eyes as well as circumvent most of the cons of contact lenses.

Cons of contact lenses are:

1. Risk of Eye Infection: One of the biggest cons of contact lenses is the risk of eye infection, which causes immense contact lens damage to the eyes. Wearing contact lenses increases the risk of bacterial infections and other eye infections that may cause serious contact lens damage to the eyes.

2. Risk of Corneal Abrasion: Improperly fitting lenses can cause corneal abrasions, which can cause pain and sensitivity to light.

3. Allergic Reactions: Cons of contact lenses includes the fact that they can cause allergies and allergic reactions in some people.

4. Dry Eyes: Contact lenses damage to the eyes can cause dry eyes, which can be uncomfortable and lead to further complications.

5. Difficulty Seeing: Contact lenses can cause difficulty in seeing if not worn correctly.

6. Reduced Peripheral Vision: Contact lenses can reduce peripheral vision, which can be dangerous in certain activities.