5 Things to Know Before You choose

Getting your first pair of contact lenses can seem like a mind-racing task. However, getting your first contact lenses is really a simple enough decision. Here are 5 things you should consider before you buy:

  • Consult an Ophthalmologist: Getting a doctor’s opinion is the key to avoid any future eye health complications.
  • Allergies or Chronic dry eyes: If you have pre-existing eye problems, then contact lenses might further complicate your eye health issues.
  • Commitment to Hygiene: If you are not committed to proper lens hygiene then it will simply cause more health problems.
  • Using Cosmetic Lenses: Using unapproved contact lenses can mean a higher risk of infections and even total loss of even.
  • Having a regular eye doctor: In case of eye irritation or discomfort, you need an eye specialist to ease your symptoms or teach you proper lens care.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

1. Sleeping with Contact Lenses

2. Rinsing your lenses with water

3. Applying contact lenses after eye makeup

4. Not using fresh lens solution every time


Common Questions you may have

While contact lenses are meant for vision correction, for conditions such as astigmatism and chronic dry eyes- it is best to ask an Ophthalmologist regarding which lenses will be the best for you.

Generally speaking, it is safe to switch between contact lenses and glasses as long as they are suited to your eye power and are not causing headaches or eye strain.

It is safe to wear sunglasses with your claavia contact lenses as long as the sunglasses don’t have any refractive power to avoid further eye problems.