Best Contact Lens in India

Contact Lenses for Vision Correction

According to an international survey, 80% of all respondents reported that they choose contact lenses for their vision correction properties as well as that it gives a positive effect on their confidence. Nearly every country in the world is slowly but steadily transitioning into contact lenses for vision correction and that can be attributed to various factors.

It is projected that in the coming few decades, more young people would be attracted to contact lenses for vision correction. It is because of these reasons:

  • Contact Lenses offer a more relaxed and natural look
  • They don't block vision or reflect light
  • Unlike spectacles, contact lenses provide a full range of visual focus
  • Contact lenses are light in weight and don't cause discomfort
  • They don't fog up when wearing a face mask
  • Provides a 'feel-confident' factor to the wearer
  • Contact lenses become a layer protecting your cornea against dust and pollution

Why claavia have the best contact lenses for vision correction in India?

claavia is a state-of-the-art medical contact lens brand aimed at providing visual clarity to all at the best comfort possible. With the best medical-grade technology and methodologies to create the contact lenses that perfectly fit their wearer and make their world clearer.

claavia provides the best hydrogel contact lenses for the best comfort, eye care requirements, and 'feel good factor for the wearer.

Here are some tips on how to maintain claavia contact lenses for vision correction:

  • Wash your hands with soap before touching claavia lenses and gently pat-dry them with a microfiber cloth
  • Keep contact lenses away from tap water
  • Don't fog your mouth to clean your contact

With claavia, no matter which ocular problems you may face: You will always find the solution that helps you see better and feel more confident.