Best Contact Lens company in India

How often should the lens case be changed?

With the recent outbreak of ocular fungal infections and other contagious infections, it is worth asking ourselves some serious questions about contact lens hygiene as well as how to clean a contact lens case. Some of the most common questions asked about eye care and contact lenses are regarding how to maintain contact lens hygiene and how to clean your contact lens case. India is one of the nations in the modern world that has recently begun to adopt contact lenses as a viable eye care solution and it has made the Indian contact lens audience base question their basics of contact lens hygiene as well as maintaining safety with their contact lens case.

While contact lenses didn't find mainstream prominence in India till very recently, contact lenses themselves have been in use around the world for more than 70-80 years. The need to bring attention to the importance of contact lens hygiene and contact lens case maintenance has risen with the recent rise in contact lens usage in India.

Contact Lens Hygiene

Ask any contact lens user or Ophthalmologist i.e. your eye doctor and they will tell you how important it is to maintain good contact lens hygiene. Let's examine some contact lens hygiene tips you should always keep in mind:

  • Eye Exams: Your eyes are incredibly sensitive organs and ensuring your eye health is up to the mark is important as it gives you critical information on how to maintain contact lens hygiene as time moves forward.

  • Cleaning: Following proper contact lens cleaning techniques is critical for maintaining contact lens hygiene. Otherwise, lingering microbes can severe infections in your eye.

  • Contact Lens Case: Ensuring that your contact lens case is always disinfected and clean without dust or debris can mean the difference between seeing clearly and getting a severe eye infection.

claavia contact lenses are the best contact lenses in India with a focus on providing the Indian youth the self-confidence to live life confidently with crystal clear vision. With an intense focus on quality and care, claavia emphasises the importance of contact lens hygiene as well as highlights the core necessity of keeping your contact lens case clean and disinfected.