Is it safe to wear contact lenses every day?

Is it safe to wear contact lenses every day?

Is it safe to wear contact lenses every day? Yes, it is safe to wear contact lenses every day. However, you should still follow good hygiene practices when using and caring for your lenses, such as cleaning them regularly and replacing them regularly according to your doctor's instructions. However, following improper hygiene while wearing contact lenses every day can increase your risk of developing an eye infection, so it is important to keep your lenses clean and replace them regularly. It is also important to avoid wearing them for too long, which can cause dryness, discomfort, and other problems.

Techniques to follow when wearing contact lenses:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water before wearing contact lenses.

  • Always inspect before wearing contact lenses. Make sure they are not cracked or torn.

  • Put in and take out your lenses carefully.

  • Use only the cleaning solutions and products that are recommended for your lenses.

  • Don’t exceed contact lens wearing duration for longer than recommended by your eye doctor.

  • Never forget & sleep that you are wearing contact lenses unless your eye doctor recommends them or is certain that the contact lens wearing duration for the lens coincides with your need for wearing contact lenses.

  • Stop wearing contact lenses if your eyes are red, irritated, or uncomfortable.

  • Don’t use saliva to wet your lenses.

  • Say no to wearing contact lenses used by someone else.

  • Say no to wearing contact lenses that are past the contact lens wearing duration.

  • Don’t wear lenses if they are cracked, broken, or damaged.

  • Make sure to follow all instructions from your eye doctor.

Contact lens wearing duration of contact lenses can vary greatly depending on the type of contact lenses. Generally, most soft contact lenses are designed to be worn for a single day or between one and two weeks. On the other hand, rigid gas permeable contacts may last up to one month before needing to be replaced. .